Science for everyone

Part of the same organisation as the Wellcome Sanger Institute, funded by Wellcome, and based on the Wellcome Genome Campus, UK, our programme is focussed on learning, training, and engagement with genomics.

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A colour photo of two researchers wearing purple gloves. One is holding a small plastic tube, with shelves in a lab in the background.

Wellcome Connecting Science’s mission is to enable everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health and society.

Genomics Lite, summer sessions.

Genomics Lite: Whose genome was sequenced first?

Join us for this YouTube live session, where we'll speak to staff from the Wellcome Sanger Institute about the Human Genome Project, what it was like working on this landmark initiative, how things have changed since its completion and whose genome was sequenced as part of the very first draft human genome!

1 August 2024


Genomics Lite, summer sessions.

Genomics Lite: What’s the biggest genome?

Join us for this live YouTube session, where we'll speak to staff from the Wellcome Sanger Institute about genome size. We'll discuss why some organisms have much larger genomes than humans, and what organism has the largest genome, as well as how you go about sequencing such large genomes!

8 August 2024


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