Cambridge Café Sci relaunches in February

Date: 5 February 2018

Wellcome Genome Campus Public Engagement relaunches Café Sci in Cambridge this February

Image of Marmite Gene Project jarCan your DNA say if you love or hate Marmite, or prefer a Malbec over Merlot? Genetic testing is hitting the mainstream, but what can your DNA actually reveal about you? Join us on Valentine’s night for the first event of a lively new series of Café Sci to find out more about the real science truths, and discuss how you think genetic data should be used.
‘What does your DNA actually say about you? is a free Café Sci event that will be held on Wednesday 14th February at 7pm, at the Locker Café, 54 King Street, Cambridge CB1 1LN.
Patrick Short – a scientist at the Wellcome Sanger Institute who specialises in the study of human genetics – will explore how millions of people are using DIY genetic test kits to learn more about their ancestry, risk for diseases like breast cancer, and discover how to improve treatment for diseases they already have.

But does it end there? Can your DNA also tell you what food and drink you like, or even predict your fitness and sporting prowess? We invite you to Café Sci to discuss potential applications of genetic testing technology and separate the science from the myths and wishful thinking.

This Valentine’s special is the first of an exciting new programme of monthly Café Sci events in Cambridge. From the dark side of wearable fitness technologies and the study of brains in sheep, to origami folding proteins and the hunt for monster galaxies, find out about the latest research from the brightest minds in and around Cambridge. The re-launch of Café Sci Cambridge is brought to you by Wellcome Genome Campus Public Engagement.


Cambridge Café Sci Winter-Spring programme 2018:

More information:

Download pdfDownload the Cafe Sci Winter-Spring 2018 flyer (low res)