What is Barcoding for Beginners?
Barcoding for Beginners is a free and flexible 10 hour programme that gives teachers and technicians the opportunity to get hands-on with molecular biology techniques, and to use these skills to lead an inquiry-based project with upper secondary students. Funded by The Royal Society, the Wellcome Connecting Science team will provide training, loan equipment, supply consumables, partner your project with an expert from the Wellcome Genome Campus, and provide support as required.
Perfect for incorporating into a regular STEM club, or as an extracurricular activity to show student engagement for UCAS, there are places for six schools to participate during each term of the 2024-2025 academic year.
The benefits for teachers and technicians
Before using in school
- Attend a one-day CPD session at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, with expenses and travel paid for.
- Receive prepared resources for the project, including set-up guidelines, protocols and presentations.
- Meet the Wellcome Genome Campus scientists who will partner with you through the project.
Whilst using in school
- Free equipment loan.
- Consumables supplied to complete with up to 30 students (Years 10-13).
- Assembly delivered by Wellcome Connecting Science staff.
- Student trip to the Wellcome Sanger Institute at the Wellcome Genome Campus, supported by a travel bursary.
- Delivery supported by a Wellcome Genome Campus partner.
After using in school
- Posters of student findings are printed for display in you school or college.
- Teachers and technicians can join our barcoding community to share good practice.
- Further funding opportunities (through the Royal Society partnership grant scheme) to run another barcoding project, supported by staff from the Wellcome Genome Campus.
The benefits for students
Students will have the opportunity to:
- Upskill in molecular biology.
- Gain practical experience of techniques covered in syllabi.
- Undertake authentic novel research.
- Interact with Wellcome Genome Campus staff, and gain insight into the careers available in genomics.
Want to find out more?
We have place for six schools on this programme for each term of the 2024-2025 academic year.
- Teacher and technician CPD on Monday 2 September, with completion during the autumn term.
- Teacher and technician CPD on Wednesday 27 November, with completion during the spring term.
- Teacher and technician CPD and completion dates during the summer term are TBC.
To register your interest in participating, please email our Science Engagement Manager, Karen Stephens.